Thursday, May 29, 2008, 06:40 AM EST
Mercury is retrograde in Gemini --- Neptune is retrograde in Aquarius -- Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn and so is Jupiter. So there is an astrological explanation for why I feel like I can't lighten up. But honestly, it's more that I have inner journeys to take, and the mundane world seems to be demanding that I stay present and be aware.
There are alot of things that you don't find out about being a Priestess until after the fact. It's not necessarily anyone's fault, it's like becoming a mother.. people tell you what to expect but it's really an individual journey of discovery. Priestessing is like that too, we work to become these beautiful representations of the Goddess, to own our power and to honor the energies of the universe... and that sounds great at a cocktail party (Pagans have cocktail parties?) but in reality it's a huge endeavor to persevere when the celestial energies pull and push at us and we have to learn to balance the deep desires to sit and mediate over tarot cards against sitting in meetings all day with muggles*.
Retrograde energies are about lessons. They teach us that our lives are about what we percieve, and that is always changing. Mercury retrograde teaches us that communication is more about love and intent than it is about the words. Neptune retrograde teaches us that we often see what we want to see. Right now, I'm learning to really trust that the magickal lessons I have learned in life apply everywhere, and people act and react to the energies around us whether they're magickal or not. (I know, Duh IxChel). Retrograde Jupiter is teaching me that I can make my own opportunities just by offering them up and inviting others to join in.
I think that the toughest thing for me right now is to learn to accept the reality that there are millions of things I want to do, but I MUST prioritize them and do them in the right order (right order defined as listening to my instincts and following them).