Monday, August 25, 2008, 06:42 AM EST
Is I sit here and listen to the This Week in Astrology podcast, I realize that this week is the time every year when I spend time with myself and in an enviornment of loving supportive pagan energy. During Labor Day weekend this year, I will be attending Harvest Home Gathering 2008. Every year I spent four to five days in the woods with a small, but lively group of pagans of all sorts. It's a challenging experience in that we're in unheated cabins, but we like to be adventurous and closer to nature so these cabins and this location are perfect for this kind of work.
So many of the speakers at HHG are the leaders and the primary authors in the Wiccan\Pagan\Magickal community that it's hard NOT to learn something over the course of the time that we are there.
The staff at HHG is an amazingly hard working group of down to earth and loving people who really take what they're doing seriously. They are an inspiration and a heart warming group to behold.
Mercury entering Libra on Thursday - I do adore Libra energies, so creative, loving, and balance. Having my rising sign be Gemini, wherever Mercury is astrologically affects me a great deal, and Mercury in Libra brings happy, warm vibes. YaY. This will help alot with the Dark Moon in Virgo, and the Mercury Square Pluto energies that can bring a bit of a challenge to communication.
When Venus enters Libra Saturday, we get to experience some powerful energies for relationships, creativity, and therapuetic work. What a great astrological occurrence for a group of people who are spiritually seeking answers!
The New Moon\Dark Moon event on the 30th, the sabian symbol is of a five year old taking their first dance lesson. This energy supports the work of learning the cultural rules of a society before charging ahead, or learning from an elder or a master as one starts off on a new path. Luckily I am attending HHG to learn from some teachers of Tantra. I've been reading alot on Tantra, but I get the chance this weekend to actually hear real masters in Tantra teach and speak. I will be happily assuming the role of the student this weekend.
There are some challenging aspects for this weekend as well, with Pluto squaring Mercury on Wednesday, and then Venus squares Pluto on Friday. This are fast moving aspects that pose a great opportunity for us to examine our deep, inner truths around communication and around creativity and love. They are also good opportunities to make money, if the challenges posed by Pluto are overcome. In both cases, the devil is in the details... so I'll be checking and double checking what I say and how I say it... and also what i hear from others.
I'm looking forward to this experience, as I always do. Because I know that my spirtual growth is healthier when I spend a little time in the community without being a leader, a teacher, etc. It is always important for any teacher to spend time regularly as a student so that they remember what it feels like to learn, and why they became a teacher in the first place. It's also good and healthy for anyone who is pagan to talk to others who are pagan because it helps alleviate the "minorty perspective" or the feeling that we are all alone in our spiritual passions and beliefs. Yes, it's great to just hang out with other pagans. :)