When we walk the path for a while, we start to feel like we're skinning over. The freshness of new ideas, new concepts, and new lessons goes dull and we find ourselves feeling cloudy-foggy in how we proceed and keep ourselves passionate about the craft.
Some elders tell us that no one keeps their passion hot all the time, and that ebb and flow are natural. Some will tell us that daily energy exercises help to keep the fires stoked: meditation, Resh Vel Helios, Qabalistic Cross..etc.
But even when you follow advice, there are still days when it feels like still you're standing in a train station for much longer than you expected to... days when "meditation by the lakeside" is the last thing you want to do because it's boring, and days when no matter what the tarot cards say, or the astrological wheel says you feel like you're dead in the water.
This is a time to rest. Though it may be tempting to throw one more spread, find one more guided meditation, or listen to one more song about the powers of nature and the Gods... let it go. Let it go because the boredom is a sign that you are over taxed. If you have done your regular energy exercises, exercised your body regularly, journalled, and done divination regularly and you're feeling bored and frustrated then let it go.
There is a regular stride to spiritual work. We get into a mode where we feel that our success is measured by our progress and vice versa. This is not healthy.
It is not healthy because the work that is done regularly must be given rest periods to sink in... to gestate, to work it's magick. Just as a seed rests in side the earth before it germinates, or like bread is left to rest as it rises.. magickal work must rest inside your body to be as potent as it can be.
So ... when the day seems grey, your magickal items seem hollow and lack lustre, and when throwing one more tarot spread seems like a waste of time --> take a break.