I'm having one of those weeks\months when it all comes at me so damn fast that I can't breath. I realize that the events are not happening any faster than they normally do, and that it's the relationship between my own energy patterns and the energies of the universe that change my perspective and make things SEEM like they're moving faster.
However, being a magickal being doesn't prevent me from being affected by this type of experience. It's just coming too fast.
Energetically I look to Mercury, Mars, and Neptune when this type of transition happens. There are many metaphors or metaphysical structures for working through this type of thing, astrology and the tarot work for me so I use them.
Mercury rules thought and organization - order. So I look to Mercury's current position in relation to my natal Mercury and learn what affect that brings. I do the same thing for the other planets.
Now some may ask: Why Neptune? Because Neptune rules the dream life, rules the instinctual or emotional connection that we have with our world. When we don't take our time-outs, Neptune comes in and makes us space-out and take them anyway. So when the world is coming at me too fast, it's an indication that i haven't taken my time-outs so I'm missing details.
With Mercury in Capricorn in my 8th house, and Mars entering my 9th house I am feeling as though I need to ID ever old\outdated perception and thought paradigm that is no longer serving my goals -- yet Mars is sitting squarely in the "next step" of the plan and tapping his foot saying "C'mon honey, we've got lessons to learn, information to assimilate, new things to bring into the world that is YOU and put to good use!" Oy.
Can I take a breath please? These two male-centric energies push.. cajole.. cheer, lure... charm.. challenge.. and I'm left feeling like I've been having a great conversation or great sex for days straight and I dont' care HOW good it feels - i need a freaking break!!
Enter Neptune in Aquarius. He slowly flows toward my MidHeaven... and he teases me with that warm, inviting feeling of being able to change the world. Aquarian values... there is opportunity for everyone, there is an equal playing field.. let's revolutionize our minds and explore new ideas in making the world better.. shall we? Come on my magic carpet ride and I'll take you into a future where Wiccan Priests are men who exude confidence and love in all walks of life. I'll take you into a future where all religions are welcomed, and whether or not you're a member of a minority religion or not, no one really cares.. they just want you to uphold good - strong ideals. Let me show you a future where we ostracize the small minded- destructive people who want to cut and poke at people who are different - and we glorify and idolize people who nurture the creative and innovative within us all.
Sheeeesh... I'm excited and tired at the same time.
I think I'll go meditate on that.