We find ourselves overwhelmed with emotion, tears stream down our faces, and we smile without thinking. Our eyes clear up, and we feel as though we can see the whole world in a new light.
This is the feeling of being passionate about something, of being empassioned and allowing that energy to move through us without restraint.
Through this feeling, we can establish deep connections, and feelings for people and places that run deeper than the average connection.
Is it fair for people to restrain that? Is it healthy?
Should we keep our passions tempered? Sheltered and hidden from the world lest someone realize that we are human, emotional, and thus moved by our experiences in life? Do the people who gravitate toward corporate life inherently dislike the show of emotion? Or do they just learn how to keep a tight lid on anything that could be classified as passionate so that they don't create those deep connections and thus jeapordize their careers? I don't know the answers to all of these (well I have some, but I don't think that they are the beat all and end all.)
I believe that we are all passionate, feeling creatures. When we are starved of the outlet for that our heart shrivels.. kinda like the Grinch. I believe that the ache and the pain seeps into our bones like a toxin, and then comes out with a vengeance without warning when we are given an acceptable scenario in which to release them. I think that our lack of passion for daily tasks is why we are consumerists, and why our culture is so bi-polar about sex. Letting people BE emotional, acknowleding that emotions are healthy, and releasing them is as well, will allow us to move ON and truly BE aware of what is going on around us and to connect with people. If they leave the company.. then they leave. We must trust that life will move and we will grow from the experience rather than clinging to immature and selfish ideals that humans are NOT passionate and therefore MUST keep their passions tightly hidden.
I dedicate this post to the memory and inspiration of Luciano Pavarotti.
Bravo Maestro.
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